This schooner, laden with wood staves and battens, was on a voyage from Christiania (Oslo) for Fraserburgh and under the Command of Captain P.H. Hansen, when she was sighted off the coast of Wick during violent seas. She later drifted into Wick Bay and sank with the loss of her crew of four, except for a boy who climbed up the wreck and gave the alarm to a farmer's family. The escape of the boy was considered to be marvellous. The vessel broke into pieces with cargo being strewn all around the shore.
The Enigheden was built in Drammen, Norway in 1817 and was 37 net registered tons.
In a local newspaper report of the time the vessel was named the Eracheder.
The Enigheden was built in Drammen, Norway in 1817 and was 37 net registered tons.
In a local newspaper report of the time the vessel was named the Eracheder.