This Grimsby steam liner (GY 371), homeward bound from the Iceland fishing grounds, ran ashore in fog on the Ness of Duncansby. As it was nearly low water when the vessel went ashore it was expected that, with the flowing tide, she would be got off with little damage. A Stroma motor boat, which was in the vicinity, went promptly to her assistance and managed to get a kedge put out astern. This might have got her refloated when the tide made, but unfortunately the hawser broke and owing to the rapid tide on the Ness and some land-sea, the vessel was driven further inshore. Captain Kersop and the crew were then rescued by Stroma fishermen
On the Friday the fishing lines and some halibut were taken ashore and put aboard a Hull trawler, which stood by for a day.
The vessel became a total wreck. Position 58 39N, 03 03W.
The Aralia had been particularly unfortunate during her last few months, having on her previous trip to the Iceland fishing grounds been considerably damaged in a storm and lost three men, who were washed overboard.
The Aralia was built of iron in 1899 and was 37m long, 6m wide and 229 tons gross.
On the Friday the fishing lines and some halibut were taken ashore and put aboard a Hull trawler, which stood by for a day.
The vessel became a total wreck. Position 58 39N, 03 03W.
The Aralia had been particularly unfortunate during her last few months, having on her previous trip to the Iceland fishing grounds been considerably damaged in a storm and lost three men, who were washed overboard.
The Aralia was built of iron in 1899 and was 37m long, 6m wide and 229 tons gross.